Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Assignment No. 01 SEMESTER Fall 2009 CS601- Data Communication

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Assignment No. 01
SEMESTER Fall 2009
CS601- Data Communication
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 19/10/2009
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
o The assignment is copied (from other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
o Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.
Note: Kindly check the template file for submitting assignment. (see announcement)
For any query about the assignment, contact at
Marks: 20
Question 1:
From given expression in Column I match appropriate expression in Column II and put right expression
in Column III?
[10 Marks]
Column-I Column-II Column-III
Circuit-switching packets are sent towards the
destination irrespective of each
Mostly partial mesh where path is decided upon before
the data transmission starts
Federal Communications
Commission (FCC)
is Regulatory Agencies
Packet-switching is the way two or more computers
are linked together
Line Configuration are found in wireless connections
Question 2:
a) Identify the topology in the following diagram and justify your answer? [5 marks]
b) Assume ten devices arranged in a mesh topology. How many cables are needed .How many ports are
needed for each device? [5 marks]
Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 1-6
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 19-10-2009.

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