Virtual Univeristy (VU) Passwords are under threat.
Virtual university is distance learning education system. It provides its student a login name and a password. From which we access the vulms (Virtual University Learning Management System). When we take admission to
VU Login Name: As we know the login name is our vu roll number and also our email id and vulms id. So it looks like (MC090205531) .
VU Password: Login name also has a password which is generated by following an algorithm and generated by a computer example (7gudgks). It looks like this.
What we should do?
Its good practice after getting the login name and password from vu. We should change the password. We can’t change the login name.
How a password looks like?
Password should be alpha numeric. Which means it should has the alphabets in capital and small letters and within the combination of the numeric values. Example EraOed84Tg83A.
What should be the length of password?
A good and strong password should has the length which is recommended 8 character’s. So by this following the alpha numeric and the password length you should have a very good password which can’t be guess like
What is the good habit to increase the password security?
Well the recommendation is to change password after a week if not then change it at least after a month. Its good practice. Because now days we know that we use our vulms from different locations some of us are doing jobs or travel to different places and get access to our vulms via internet. So they system might be infected with a Trojan horse which can send your password to the sated email and the person can access your email or your account. I will tell you this in more detail some other time with full protection solutions.
What should not be the password?
Password should not be your name your family name class name teacher name etc. IT should be change which can’t be guess by dictionary method (Hacking technique following some algorithm).
What is the real threat if someone get the password?
Well a lot of things can happen if someone get your vulms and email password. Let me tell you. Suppose you got assignment so someone can upload a garbage file and you can’t do send it again or you have to give a lot of explanation. Your login might be misuse like someone send wrong questions to MDB So the impression will goes against you and you might get in a big trouble. The most risky think that a password hacker can do with you. He can simply drop your whole program. I don’t want tell that thing but if someone is interested then may email me on . I am not telling because some students can check this to other students even they don’t know how to. So it should be not mention here.
I geuss these are some recommendations by following these instruction your life will be easy.
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