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Assembly Language
(1 marks)
For character device or a block device which bit is used?
(2 marks)
Write the function of CLI?
(2 marks)
Write two services for chargen video?
(3 marks)
Define these with 0x30
• mov ah, 2
• mov al, 1
• int 0x30
(3 marks)
Write description of INT 14 - SERIAL - WRITE CHARACTER TO PORT
(3 marks)
Serial port is a way of communication among two devices. The basic difference is that whole bytes are sent from one place to another in case of ……………….. while the bits are sent one by one on the ………………... in a specially formatted fashion. The serial port connection is a …………………. connector
(3 marks)
Which three flags are not used for arithmetic operations?
(5 marks)
What is chaining interrupt? Also write their purpose?
(10 marks)
Write a program to print string “Hello World” using bios services?
(10 marks)
The GDT itself is an array of …………… where each descriptor is an ……………. entry. The base and limit of ………is stored in a ……….. register called the ………. The maximum numbers of entries are ………………
Regards Vuhelps
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