Object Oriented Programming (CS304)
Assignment No.1
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 18th Oct, 2009.
Uploading instructions
Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the
Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date
o The assignment is copied
This assignment has been designed so that you would be able to identify objects and their relationships from the given problem statement(s). After the completion of this assignment you should have a good grasp on:
o How to analyze a problem statement with the view of objects and their relationships
o How to represent a set of objects and their relationship among them graphically.
Consider the case study:
A team has two types of players: Batsman, Baller. It is required to assess their performance in a particular tournament and thus find out the best player in each of the categories. The assessment criterion for each type of player is different. For batsman, it is the average of his scores through out the tournament. For ballers it’s the number of wickets taken in the tournament. Thus the performance is determined on the basis of score made (in-case of batsman), wickets taken (in-case of baller). There should be a display function that displays all the information of player of a particular category.
Design a class hierarchy for the players in which you are required to find out the best player in each category according to their performance in a tournament.
For this, you need to identify classes/objects, attributes against each class/object, operations against each class/object, type of association between (aggregation, composition or inheritance) classes/objects.
After identifying them, you need to make an object model. Your design should be such that which can be used to declare a list of players belonging to each category.
What to submit
You are simply required to make an object model in a word file and send it as your assignment.
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