Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Assignment No. 01 Semester: Fall 2009 CS506: Web Design & Development

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Assignment No. 01
Semester: Fall 2009

CS506: Web Design & Development

Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 21/10/2009


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

§ The assignment is submitted after due date.

§ The assignment is submitted via email.

§ The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

§ All types of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.

Note: You have to upload only .java files. Assignment in any other format (extension) will not be accepted. If you will submit code in .doc (Word document) you will get zero marks. No assignment will be accepted with extension other than .java.


The objective of this assignment is to provide hands on experience of using

§ Basic concepts of java

§ OOP concepts such as inheritance, function overriding


§ Code should be properly aligned and well commented.

§ Follow java naming conventions while writing class names, variables name, functions name etc


Problem Statement

Write the code to implement the concept of inheritance for Vehicles. You are required to implement inheritance between classes. You have to write four classes in java i.e. one super class, two sub classes and one driver class.

Vehicle is the super class whereas Bus and Truck are sub classes of Vehicle class. Transport is a driver class which contains main method.

Detailed description:

Detailed description of Vehicle (Super class):

The class Vehicle must have following attributes:

  1. Vehicle model
  2. Registration number
  3. Vehicle speed (km/hour)
  4. Fuel capacity (liters)
  5. Fuel consumption (kilo meters/liter)

The Vehicle class must have following methods:

  1. Parameterized constructor that will initialize all the data members with the given values.
  2. Getters and Setters for each data member that will get and set the values of data members of class.
  3. A method fuelNeeded() that will take distance (in kilo meter) as an argument. It will calculate the amount of fuel needed for the given distance and will return the value of fuel needed for given distance. You can use the attributes ‘Fuel consumption’ defined within above Vehicle class to determine the fuel needed for the given distance. You are required to implement this functionality by yourself.
  4. A method distanceCovered() that will take time (in hours) as an argument. It will calculate the distance for the given time and speed and returns the value of distance. The formula to calculate speed is given as speed = distance/time. You can use this formula to calculate the distance.
  5. A display() method that will display all the information of a vehicle.

Detailed description of Truck (Sub class):

The class Truck must have following attribute:

Cargo weight limit (Kilo grams)

The above class must have following methods:

  1. Parameterized constructor that will initialize all data members with the given values.
  2. Getters and setters for each data member that will get and set the values of data members of class.
  3. It must also override the display() method of Vehicle class and must call display() method of super class within overridden method.

Detailed description of Bus (Sub class):

The class Bus must have following attribute:

No of passengers

The above class must have following methods:

  1. Parameterized constructor that will initialize all the data members with given values.
  2. Getters and setters that will get and set the value of each data member of class.
  3. It must also override the display() method of Vehicle class and must call display method of super class within overridden method.

Create a class Transport which contains the main method. Perform the following within main method:

  • Create an instance of class Truck and initialize all the data members with proper values.
  • Create an instance of class Bus and initialize all the data members with proper values.
  • Now, call fuelNeeded(), distanceCovered() and display() methods using objects of these classes.


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 21st Oct, 2009

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