Friday, October 23, 2009

Vu will open on 27th of OCTOBER

Please wait will be back soon.
ANNOUNCEMENT VU (Virtual University) Is closed all the assignments are suspended. Wait for the new instructions from unversity. Keep checking the notice board. So the datesheet which they mention and published on 19th of October is changed and the university schedule is also changed. Wait for the new one. and get register to

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Assignment No. 01 Semester: Fall 2009 CS201: Introduction to Programming

Assignment No. 01
Semester: Fall 2009

CS201: Introduction to Programming

Total Marks: 20

Due Date:22/10/2009


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

§ The assignment is submitted after due date.

§ The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

§ All types of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.

Note: You have to upload only .cpp file. Assignment in any other format (extension) will not be accepted. If you will submit code in .doc (Word document) you will get zero marks.


The objective of this assignment is to provide hands on experience of using

§ Basic concepts of C++ language and Programming

§ Conditional statements of C language

§ Function in c language

§ Writing and editing a C program

§ Saving a C program

§ Compiling a C program

§ Executing the program


§ Code should be properly aligned and well commented.

§ Follow c/c++ rules while writing variables names, function names etc

§ Use only dev-C++ for this assignment.

§ Use appropriate c/c++ structure i.e. if-else, switch statement etc to get inputs from user.(Marks will be deducted if inappropriate structure will be used).


Problem Statement: Movie Rental Store

You are required to write a program for Movie Rental Store. The basic idea is that user/reader will provide customer information, movie name, and number of days. Upon this information your program will calculate the charged amount for that movie.

Detailed Description:

1. The program should display

Please provide customer Name:

Please provide Movie Description.

Enter ‘R’ for Regular Movie.

Enter ‘C’ for children Movie.

Enter ‘N’ for New Released Movie.

Enter ‘E’ for English Movie.

Then your program should take these inputs,

2. Depending upon the choices that user has entered, your program will further display the prompt

3. If user has entered Movie description, then your program should prompt the user to enter the Movie Name and Number of days.


Movie Name :

Number of day’s:


4. After getting all this information, now write a function which will calculate rental/charged amount on the basis of this information.

To calculate rental/charged amount we will use this formula:

Rental amount = charged amount * number of days

Charged amount will be different for different movies according to following description:

Regular Movie: 40 RS

Children Movie: 30 RS

English Movie: 50 RS

New release: 100 RS

After calculating charged amount for this movie and display it on the screen.

Sample Output

Please provide customer Name: Aftab

Please provide Movie Description:

Enter ‘R’ for Regular Movie:

Enter ‘C’ for children Movie:

Enter ‘N’ for New Released Movie:

Enter ‘E’ for English Movie:


Please provide following information:

Movie Name : Jinnah

Number of day’s: 3

Final output:


Customer Name: Aftab

Movie Type : Regular

Movie Name : Jinah

Number of day’s: 3

Your Rental Amount is: 120 Rs



Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before October 22, 2009

Data Warehousing Course Code: CS614

Assignment No. 01

Deadline date:

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on October 23, 2009.

Assignment Marks: 20

Assignment Topic:

Topics covered in this assignment are basic data warehouse concepts.

Uploading instructions

Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date

o The assignment is copied


  • To learn and understand basic data warehouse concepts.


Q No. 1 [5]

Give at least four reasons why we De-Normalize the database.

Q No. 2 [5]

If de-normalization improves data warehouse processes, why fact table is in normal form?

Q No. 3 [5]

Is OLTP database design optimal for Data Warehouse?

Q No. 4 [5]

Why data warehouse and transaction databases need to be different.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Please join for help



DUE DATE: OCT 21, 2009

DON’T MISS THESE Important instructions:

To solve this assignment, you should have good command over 1-8 lectures.

Upload assignments properly through LMS, No Assignment will be accepted through email.

Write your ID on the top of your solution file.

  • Don’t use colorful backgrounds in your solution file.
  • Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.

Question 1

Find the root of the equation given below by bisection method.

(Note: accuracy up to three decimal places is required.) Marks: 10

Question 2

Use the Regula Falsi (method of false position) to solve the equation

(Note: accuracy up to four decimal places is required) Marks: 10

Thursday, October 15, 2009

ENG301 (Business Communication)

Fall 2009

Assignment # 1 Total Marks: 15

Due Date: 21/10/2009


To asses students’ knowledge of the subject and to motivate them towards conceptual knowledge and practical application of the subject.


  1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  2. If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
  3. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own.
  4. If any assignment is found copied work, no marks will be awarded and the case may be referred to the head of the academics for disciplinary action.
  5. No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
  6. The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can be 12 Times New Roman.

Question No.1 (5)

Which theory of communication do you prefer from three theories of communication present in your course and why?

Question No.2


Describe the traits of a good communicator. (5)


What is the role of proximity and artifacts in non verbal communication? (5)

Non Graded Assignment # 1

Non Graded Assignment # 1

MTH302 (Fall 2009)

Total marks: 0

Very important Instructions

You do not need to submit the solution of this assignment.

This assignment is specially designed to introduce the style of the exam but just for telling the type of questions, the questions in the exam may not be as simple as in this assignment. Also we are only giving descriptive questions in this assignment, whereas for the practice of objective type questions, quiz will be given.

Solution of the assignment will be uploaded after one week. You can then compare your solution with the solution provided by us.

Question 1:

If ba = 2a + b , then find 23 + 32 +1

Question 2:

What is the main difference between Gross salary and Net salary?

Question 3:

The salary of an employee is as follows:

Basic salary = 45,000 Rs.

Allowances = 25,000 Rs.

What is the taxable income of employee?

Question 4:

A wooden door has a list price of Rs. 8500. A trade discount series of 10, 5, and 3

is offered. Find the amount of the discount and the net price.

Question 5:

A person invests an amount of 7500 in a Bank at the rate of 9% per annum; find the compound interest by the investor after 10 years.

Question 6:

For a simple annuity of Rs.2000/year for 5 years if money is worth:

then find this accumulated value.

Question 7:

Suppose you make a saving of Rs. 50,000 at the end of each month, assume an interest of 7% compounded monthly, how much will you have accumulated at the end of 4 years?




DUE DATE: OCT 21, 2009

DON’T MISS THESE Important instructions:

To solve this assignment, you should have good command over 1-8 lectures.

Upload assignments properly through LMS, No Assignment will be accepted through email.

Write your ID on the top of your solution file.

  • Don’t use colorful backgrounds in your solution file.
  • Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.

Question 1

Find the root of the equation given below by bisection method.

(Note: accuracy up to three decimal places is required.) Marks: 10

Question 2

Use the Regula Falsi (method of false position) to solve the equation

(Note: accuracy up to four decimal places is required) Marks: 10

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Draw a Context as well as Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of a Shop Sale Management System for a company sailing shops in different parts of country.

Please join us for help

Assignment No. 01

Total Marks: 20

Deadline date:

Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on October 19, 2009.

Upload Instructions

Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:

§ It is submitted after due date

§ The file you uploaded does not open

§ The file you uploaded is copied from someone else

1. Read the problem description carefully looking for:

· People / Organizations / Things that supply information to or use information from the system => external entities (EE)

· Actions / Doing words / Verbs => Processes (P)

· Movement / Exchange of information / Data between external entities to processes, and processes to processes => data flows (DF)

· Store / Record information / Data => data stores(DS)

2. It often helps to walk through the system in its logical sequence; eg starting with an external entity (source), add data flows, processes and data stores as the data provided by the entity is manipulated by the system.


Draw a Context as well as Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of a Shop Sale Management System for a company sailing shops in different parts of country. The Shop Sale Management System works as follows:

Ø Customer Places order. System checks availability of the customer in customer file (If he / she is already a customer). If found, then approved otherwise a new customer is created. Here new customer’s info is sent to ledger file.

Ø Then the availability of shops is checked in the stock. If found, an Invoice is generated. Invoice info is sent to the customer, stock, ledger as well as sales department.

Ø If shop is not available at this time, then this info is also sent to the customer.


Ensure that you can analyze existing manual system and can draw Data Flow Diagrams of any proposed system.

Before Starting:

Detail study of existing system.

Rules for drawing DFDs.

Differentiate different levels of DFDs.

CS301 – Data Structures Assignment No.1

Please join us for help

CS301 – Data Structures

Assignment No.1

Marks: 20


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 20 October, 2009

Uploading instructions

Your Submission must include:

  1. A working MakeFile (Dev-C++ project File).
  2. All the Source Code(.h and .cpp files) necessary to compile and run your program.
  3. Place all the files in a folder then Zip that folder and Upload it on VULMS

Note: Use Dev-C++ which is available at VULMS (Download section) or you can use Dev-C++ 4.0 or any other version higher than 4.0.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.

o The submitted assignment does not compile or run.

o The assignment is copied.


The objective of this assignment is

o To give you some practice exercise of Linked List.


Write a C++ program to implement employee directory, which will let the organization to perform the following functions:

1) Insert the record of new employee

2) Delete the record of an existing employee

3) Find the record of an existing employee

4) Display Report

Following information of each employee will be stored

Employee ID: an integer value to store the unique id for each employee

Employee Name: the name of each employee.

Employee Address: Address of each employee

Employee Salary: a float value to store salary of each employee.


Following information of each employee will be stored

Employee ID: an integer value to store the unique id for each employee

Employee Name: the name of each employee.

Employee Address: Address of each employee

Employee Salary: a float value to store salary of each employee.

You can use the following structure to store the information of a single employee:

Struct Employee {

Int empID;

Char *empName;

Char *empAddress;

Float empSalary;

Employee * pNext;

}Following is the sample interaction:

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 1

Enter EmpID: 1

Enter EmpName: Ali

Enter EmpAddress: VU, Lahore

Enter Emp Salary: 20000

Record successfully inserted (Press any Key to continue….)

After the user presses any key the screen will be cleared and the menu will be displayed again.

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 3 (Now user enters 3)

Enter EmpID: 1

Record successfully deleted (Press any key to continue…)

After user presses any key the screen will be cleared and menu will be displayed again.

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 2 (Now user enters 3)

Enter EmployeID: 1

Employee successfully deleted (Press any key to continue…)

After user presses any key the screen will be cleared and menu will be displayed again

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 4 (Now user enters 4)

EmpID EmpName EmpAddress EmpSalary

2 Raza VU, Lahore 20000

3 Waseem VU, Lahore 25000

5 Aslam VU, Lahore 20000

Press any key to continue…

After user presses any key the screen will be cleared again and menu will be displayed

Welcome to employee directory:

6) Insert New employee

7) Find employee

1) Delete a record

2) Display Report

3) Exit

Enter your choice: 5 (Now user enters 5)

Are you sure, you want to exit(y/n) y

Program exited if user presses “y” and menu will be displayed again if user presses “n”

