Virtual University Result has been announced today. Congratulation to all students who participate in exam and get good marks. I am not wonder to see that its not hard to pass virtual university exam. Its very easy. Yes one thing I can say that it is hard to get good grades. When the result come I tell all my friends was busy with getting calls and sms. Was replying all of them. So there are a lot of issues which we should sort out. That are that some of are fail in 1 or 2 and so on. They asked that are they elegible to sit in the next semester I mean they will get the course of next semester? 1 Yes they will get the next semester subjects. 2 The rest will be in the end of the semester where you can take up to 9 subjects. 3 Who get bad marks they can repeat it but in 3rd semester. 4 Who drop the whole semester will repeat it. 5 Who is passed in midterm and fail in final is consider failed. 6 The person who is fail in mid and pass in final with good grade but he appear in the mid doesn’t matter he/she get 0 marks but in final if he/she is passed with good grades and done the assignments then pass. 7 The perscentage you may see for the passing. 8 Formula for getting the average percentage. Add all subjects value and then divide it to the number of subjects you will get the percent age. For example 50% + 63% + 67% + 42% + 50% + 53% = 54% 9 Also can calculate the CGPA for the semester with following the same formula. 10 The degree requirement is 2.0CGPA over all. 11 So want to improve the CGPA then chose the subjects in the 3rd semester. This is all what I want to tell. For further discussion please join the chat in the end of the page and participate in the discussion. Contact Regards Vuhelps
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