Sunday, June 28, 2009

Minimum Percentage to Pass Vu Exam

Rule for passing an Exam by minimum 20%

There is requirement of passing a subject that one student should be consistent in his studies through out. Therefore you are required to get 20% marks in rest of the items like assignments, midterm, discussions etc and at least 20% in final exam. This will make you eligible to pass a subject and then if you secure marks more than 40% overall while fulfilling the 20% criteria first then you would be considered as pass.

For passing a course you are required to get 20% marks overall in all items like assignments, discussions, midterm etc and at least 20% in final exam.

Rest marks= sum of all items like assignments, discussions, midterm etc

Rest Percent= sum of all items percentage like assignments, discussions, midterm etc.

Case 1:
More than 20% in every Rest marks and Final marks but less then 40% in the Net score.

Case 2:
Less than 20% in Rest marks

Case 3:
Less than 20% in Final marks

Case 4:
More then 20% score in every discipline and fulfilling the requirement of getting the net final score more then 40%

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