Assignment # 04
Total Marks 20
Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on 01-06-2009.
Upload Instructions
Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:
• It is submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open
• The file you uploaded is copied from some one else or from internet
• It is in some format other than .html file
The assignment has been designed to enable you to:
• Understand HTML and JavaScript
• Use loop in JavaScript
• Use HTML forms
Question 20 marks
Write a simple JavaScript program in HTML file to show the table of any entered number. Follow these directions for it:
1. Use HTML form, with one text box and a button as shown below:
2. Text box is to enter the number and when you press the “Have a Table” button a table of entered number should be shown.
3. Use loop to print the table
4. Output should be as shown below (if 5 is entered):
Answer is:
Here is some idea of the table programe. You should do some changes. It works you simply have to copy paste this code to notepad and then save as table.html and preview in internet explorer hope it will work fine. Also kindly join the blog by pressing the follow button.
See this image its the output of the assignment
The Coding you should write in Notepad and save as HTML is
Table Cannot be Appear after pressing any key
i already paste in notepad but there is some eror in coding plz send me correct one
it,s not working well there is no out put
even i m facing the same problems
yeah u r all right .. there is some problem
Table is not shown
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