Thursday, April 29, 2010

ATM_Acc (Table of ATM Card Account),

Assignment No. 02

Due Date:

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 06-05-2010.

Uploading instructions:

Please view the Assignment Submission Process document provided to you by the Virtual University for uploading assignments.

  • Assignment should be in .doc format.
  • Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx020200786.doc).
  • Assignment submission through email is highly discouraged.

Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

· The assignment is submitted after due date.

· The submitted assignment file is corrupted.

· The assignment is copied.


Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned zero marks if you do not follow these instructions.

· Font style: “Times New Roman”

· Font color: “Black”

· Font size: “12”

· Bold for heading only.

· Font in Italic is not allowed at all.

· No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.

Assignment: (Marks:20)

You have the following scenario in which bank maintains their ATM information.

You are given three tables:

ATM_Acc (Table of ATM Card Account), Person (Table of the Person Detail), Transactions_Details:

  1. ATM_Acc: atmcardno, bankacc_no, person_id, pin_code, branch_name, branch_id, security_question, issue_date, expiry_date, card_type, card_limit, multiple_transaction, status_of_card.
  2. Person: person_id, name, temp_addr, permanent_addr, phone_no, mobile_no, father_name, date_of_birth, NIC.
  3. Transaction_Details: amount, bankacc_no, date, branch, balance, atmcardno,

Note: ATM transaction can only be performed from the bank which issued the person ATM card. You can consult the tables given in lecture slides (ppt slides for lecture # 11) to determine the complexity of ILF, EIF, EI, EO, and EQ:

You should consider only the above given tables for the following operations being performed:

  • Add a ATM card (with all its details)
  • Delete the record of a ATM Card
  • Update the record of the ATM card
  • Add a new person (with all its details) in the system
  • Do the transaction using ATM Card.
  • Generate a report that shows the number of Transactions between two given dates.
  • Issue an ATM card to the person.

Keeping in view the given scenario, you have to find the following:

a) Identify the number of ILF and EIF in the system.

b) Determine the no. of RETs and DETs in the system.

c) Determine the complexity of ILFs and EIFs ?

d) Identify all the transaction operations (EI, EO, EQ) in the system.

e) Find the complexity of EI, EO, and EQ?

f) Determine the un-adjusted function point count of the given system.

for solution


Assignment No. 02 Artificial Intelligence Course Code: CS607

Deadline date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on May 5, 2010.
Assignment Marks: 25
Uploading instructions
Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the
Virtual University to upload the assignment.
Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date
o The assignment is copied
o To learn and understand basic concepts of search techniques used in Artificial
Q 1) Explain how goal trees are useful in theorem proving. Marks 5
Q 2) What is the idea behind Generate and Test? Why is this method described as
being exhaustive? Marks 5
Q 3) Describe the meanings of the Complexity, Completeness, and Optimality in
relation to search methods. Marks 5
Q 4) What is the importance of Task Distribution, Load Balancing, and Tree
Ordering principles when running parallel search methods? Marks 5
Q 5) Explain why the alpha–beta procedure will always generate the same answer as
Mini-Max without pruning. Why is it useful? Marks 5

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